When it comes to running and growing a successful business, there are lots of moving parts to consider.
Are you an expert in all of those parts?
Are you feeling alone in your journey?
Are you committed to growing your business?
How much money do you need?
We believe if you can gain access to all the advice and support you need from a team that has built successful businesses many times over, you will be better set for success in business.
Meet Founder of Rise and The Engine – Catherine Cooke
Catherine has Māori heritage (Ngāpuhi) and embraces any opportunity to provide purpose for others to grow professionally and personally.
Over the last, 15 years Catherine has championed positive outcomes and growth for business owners of all cultures.
As an experienced Business Advisor, Catherine encourages business owners to remain true to their identity while ensuring that everyone they reach with their business is treated with the same respect and values that align with the kaupapa that they bring.
Our Approach
Our approach is to curate programmes that help business owners reach their potential.
These programmes incorporate and acknowledge the key fundamental principles pertinent to business owners within Aotearoa:
● Pūtake: the businesses ‘origin of being’ and how that business best serves its clients through its value proposition
● Tūranga: the successful structure of a business, including Hangarau (technology), Hoko (the trading, sales or retail process as appropriate) and Putea (finance or funding options and proper accounting practices)
● Tīkanga: the ways of doing business, specifically encompassing Tino Rangatiratanga (ownership, control), Purotu (responsibility and accountability) and Puawaitanga (measurement and outcomes including financial goals, forecasting and cash flow)
● Kaitiakitanga: guardianship or the exit strategy of the business entity
● Rangatiratanga: leadership and governance of the entity incorporating the development of a unique strategic plan for each participant
The RISE online education platform acknowledges diversity in business and has created an environment that provides ongoing support and helps business owners succeed.
Our Programmes
Get the foundations right with New Business 101 (‘NB101’)
Building something that’s going to stand upright for a long period of time needs solid foundations. The same goes for business. You need solid foundations if you want to see success. Without them, whatever you build will come crashing down.
Too often, we see businesses that look great from the outside. Great branding, new website, enthusiastic founders…
But the reality is they’re just one small storm away from complete collapse.
By investing a minimum of 3 hours a week with our NB101 programme which has been developed online for you to do at your pace, will help you put the foundations in place at the beginning so you can build your business for long-term success with clarity and certainty. You may already be in business and may have bolted out of the gate without this knowledge, or you may do our course as a refresher to upskill.
Some of the outcomes of this course for participants include:
- A completed roadmap of each business owner’s journey, written by them in the programme.
- A cash flow forecast so they can know what is required for them to fund their business and growth.
- An overview of strategic marketing principles and content plan for immediate implementation.
New Business 101 is a registered co-funded capability programme. Our programme comes with a workbook for each module, along with resources and templates. In addition to this course you will also be eligible for 4 hours of 1 on 1 business coaching (value $1600) with one of our experienced Business Coaches. These hours may be by zoom depending on the location of our coach and you. Throughout this course you will meet our talented specialist provider community who each contributed to a module within this programme and they are available for you to continue a journey with them at your own expense.
You may be eligible for 50% funding for our courses.
Our Vision
Our vision for RISE with The Engine is that we resonate with all business owners across Aotearoa.
Delivered by heart-centric and specialist business people, The Engine is the perfect fit. Our founder, Catherine Cooke and members of her professional community have a strong background in working with grassroots communities from sport, business, employment and charitable trusts in training and coaching. Our specialists are all experienced in owning and running businesses so fully understand the shoes you walk in daily.
Being real and sharing real stories from the trenches enables others to see the benefit of the disciplines we will put in place around planning, strategy, cash flow, marketing and more to support sustainable growth for your business.